By SeaBind - 16/11/2014 00:41 - United States - Saginaw

Today, a friend wanted to show me a game he bragged he was the best at. I beat his score on the first try, and now I have a black eye to prove it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 829
You deserved it 3 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn OP, you just killed your friends' chance of being the very best. The best there ever was.

I need to know what the game was.. I keep picturig like old school arcade games and he punched you so he could enter his four-characters-only name..


Oh, absolutely. And games teach you a bit about life too, in games just like in real life, you can't win every time!

If only it could also be if you die you just retry

Damn OP, you just killed your friends' chance of being the very best. The best there ever was.

chaosmanfun 7

OPs friend is an asshole. OP, you're friend needs to grow the **** up. It's a game, and he actin like you keyed his car and hit his sister. Put that dude on cut squad!

I need to know what the game was.. I keep picturig like old school arcade games and he punched you so he could enter his four-characters-only name..

orbit 22

It was skiball. I know this because dkiball is the best game ever made. (except for frogger)

He beat you because you beat him? Hey, the term "beginner's luck" exist for a reason.

Sounds like a cheesy line from an after-school special about bullying. "You beat my score, and now I'm gonna beat your face!" [The bully begins to close in, menacingly cracking his knuckles]

I beat a boss battle that someone else was stuck on for him, I got a slap to the face as thanks

I wouldn't call someone punching you in the face over something as silly as this, a friend.

boxers4lyfe 17

Who hasn't exchanged blows with their closest friends?

Well, I have, but punching a friend so hard that it leaves a black eye, goes too far. Hitting friends in the face is a no go for me anyway.

Nice friend... but were you a dick about it? Did you rub it in his face? Either way you didn't deserve it but still... might be a good life lesson for you to not be an asshole.

How on earth was op being an arsehole?? You don't know whether op was being dick or not, so you can't really say that..

I didn't. I said if he was then it might be a lesson for him. I even said he didn't deserve it either way. Did you even read my comment?

ostfaiz 18

hahaaa..hope it remained friendly , you never deserved it for being the best..