Basic human need

By justwow - 21/03/2012 23:58 - United States - Fort George G Meade

Today, I saw an article about how some people think internet access is more important than sex. I asked my boyfriend which he thought was more important. He chose internet access. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 918
You deserved it 7 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MerrikBarbarian 9

... I'd probably choose the Internet too.


Yes he must because that's all the Internet is used for right?

You assume the Internet is for geeks and losers... On an Internet website?

Ok then he fits the majority... What's the big deal?

bertoelmexicano 6

I read that article too! It was on yahoo

When you are bored, just use the internet. Unlike almost every guys, it Last for hours!

DaKillaMafia 2

I saw that article too on yahoo.

That study came out years ago... But thats not the only thing that they find people would rather have more then sex. They did a study that said people could not live a month without internet, a phone, and a bed more then people said they couldn't live without sex.

That would be a major conundrum for me. See, I need the Internet at my job, and at home for when I telecommute. On the other hand, sex is fun. Now if I don't work I don't get paid, if I don't get paid I become homeless, and if I become homeless I start to stink like a rotting Sasquatch, and if I stink like a rotting Bigfoot I will not get any sex. So can I choose sex with a woman who is already rich, so I don't have to work anymore?

..says the person who came right to the internet to talk about how it sucks that her boyfriend likes the internet so much. Ironic much? I'd absolutely choose the internet. It has so many practical uses along with entertainment any time I want, while sex is only for fun and only at certain times, when the partner is available, for a limited time only. Not to mention what was already said: internet can get you sex, but sex can't get you internet.