Bad admin

By selmar wick - 03/12/2021 05:01 - Angola

Today, my bank sent me a message, saying that they'd disabled my account. To reactivate it, I need the account number, and I can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 800
You deserved it 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure the message was from your bank?

Be careful! More than likely it was a scam. It may be a blessing in disguise that you couldn’t find the account number. I would recommend calling the number on the back on your card to verify if any such thing took place.


randybryant799 20

Obviously you are leaving out major details.

Are you sure the message was from your bank?

Be careful! More than likely it was a scam. It may be a blessing in disguise that you couldn’t find the account number. I would recommend calling the number on the back on your card to verify if any such thing took place.

Marcella1016 31

Yep, bank DEFINITELY not asking you your account number over the phone like that. This is fraud. Call your bank directly and double-check with them, or physically go down to the branch. Even over the phone, there’s other ways to verify your identity - last four of Social, old addresses, really common is confirming recent charges. Like someone else said, good thing you couldn’t find that info. Try to be a little more careful and skeptical in life. In the meantime, I have a bridge to sell you. Just please kindly send me your Social Security Number, mother’s maiden name, and the name of your first pet...

You're lucky you forgot it. Sounds scammy to me. For crap like this, you should go to a physical bank branch.

Im pretty sure any bank cant just deactivate your account without your personal say so (especially if you've got money in it). I agree with some of the other comments - it sounds like a scam.

rotflqtms_ 21

Ok, I hope you never find where to find your account number and that you never memorize it. You seem very likely to fall for scams. Never give out that information. Never call the number in those messages. Never click on links from those types of messages. Look at your card. At the back there's a phone number. If you ever get a message like that again, contact the bank via the number on your physical card. Never give info to people who call you. Tell them you're going to call and YOU call your bank. Again, number on back of physical card. Don't get scammed. People are doing more because of the holidays. There's always a way to contact your bank, your Amazon account any legit account. Some have phone numbers, some have chats. Get the info from the legit site. Get bank info from the back of your card. Never memorize your account number or any other number just in case you get tempted to give it to random people. Heck, I had this old demented patient and I asked him his name and DOB and he was like, and my social security number is...and I had to cut him off and tell him not to share that with me as I don't need it. He was on the phone too with a possible scammer. People love taking advantage of the vulnerable and the gullible. Try to protect yourself. Only give out information to trusted things. Buying a car, opening a bank account, buying a house, credit check etc. Guard your info!