What the F are you doing?

By WaychulMonster - 02/12/2021 18:03 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, when I got back from running errands, I had to explain to my 50 year-old mother-in-law the dangers of suffocation. She let my 5 year-old daughter play with the plastic packaging from water bottles, and it was OK because, "it was only on her head for 2-3 minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 199
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Babysitters for hire

By Middle Age Divorced Dad - 24/01/2023 11:00 - Canada - Kanata

Today, my girlfriend and I went out to neighbour's just down the street and left my 12 and 14 year-old daughters at home. The 12 year-old found the fire extinguisher and thought it was whipped cream, put it in her mouth, and tried to eat it. The 14 year-old didn't even bother to call us. Luckily, the 12 year-old is fine, the stuff was safe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 829
You deserved it 345

Top comments

"Doing it the way she thinks is right" would not hold up in court.

Never let her watch your child alone again.


What are you so uptight about? 2-3 minutes of hypoxia causes only "moderate" brain damage. Who wants a smarty-pants kid, anyways?

if a 5 year old can't be left alone to not suffocate on a plastic wrap, perhaps it's a tad late to worry about brain damage

Don't leave your kids with her then, don't lecture her about it. she's doing it the way she thinks is right.

"Doing it the way she thinks is right" would not hold up in court.

Did she sing the suffocation song at the same time?

Never let her watch your child alone again.