At last!

By neverStopLaughin - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I moved out of my parents' basement. After I hugged my parents, I walked out the door, only to remember I'd left my phone in the kitchen. I opened the door to see my parents dancing with joy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 672
You deserved it 14 408

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

oh cry me a river. they're happy to have the house to themselves. now they get to have sex whenever they want. don't be such a baby.


lol, well at least you got your own place

heartlessagony 0

Maybe your parents are happy that you got your own place. They could also be happy that they spent years bringing you up and your moving out is a success.

Guess they really wanted your bum of a self out of the house didn't they.


Cry more. Parents generally are glad to get rid of their children at least for a little while.

Don't take it personally. They just want to be able to holler when they ****.

They were just so happy to see their son finally becoming an adult. It was a joyous moment, one they feared would never come.

RideOorDiee 0

Is this the entertainer!???

iceman05 0

Your parents are probably boning right now. Probably sick kinky stuff.

Your parents are probably doing Dance Dance Revolution because they finally got a chance to get on the videogame console you've been hogging for 22 hours a day in their basement!