Are you my new mommy?

By Anonymous - 05/02/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I was anxiously waiting for the guy I had a crush on to pick me up for our first date. He shows up with his son, whom I never knew about, and takes us to Chuck E. Cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 856
You deserved it 5 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is that really a problem? better know now then later

BadPinkKitty07 0

I really can't think of anything more romantic than soggy pizza and a man in a sweaty mouse costume. the hyper kids and vomit hidden in the strangest places in the play place is just a plus.


anela_fml 0

soooooo he wanted to be up front if you really liked him for more than his looks you'd know he had a kid

I dnt really see a problem with this. sounds like a lot of fun but than again that's me.

Daerauko 0

So what if he has a kid? maybe he's divorced or a widower. if it's only a crush chances are he didn't realize it was truely a date

Well, he might not have known how to tell you, or might have thought you knew. I found out through friends that my boy was a daddy, because, well, it was pretty well known and he never thought I wouldn't have known (we had high school classes together a couple of years ago, and loads of mutual friends, so it is rather strange that I never heard of it. hah). At least he obviously cares about, and spends time with his son. And Chuck E Cheese is fun! I love going to places like that with my boyfriend, even if it's just us, alone. :) Games, pizza, fun. It's not that big of a deal. Maybe a little surprising, but if you seriously liked him (and didn't just think he was hot) then you wouldn't mind the kid. I certainly didn't. Of course, you'd also enjoy spending time with him, even if it was at a place like that. What did you expect on a first date, anyway, somewhere big and fancy? And why didn't you bother asking "where are we going to go?" beforehand? I've never gone on a date without knowing where to, unless we were BOTH just winging it.

MmYou spent a bit to much time on that. I didn't even read it. I'm never motivated to read a 2 paragraph x

Do the circumstances matter...? Is it really any worse if the kid was an accident between a boyfriend and girlfriend? *This was in reply to the comment about him maybe being divorced or widowed. I don't know why it apparently didn't post there. I pressed the buttonnn~ D;

@25 I'm sure the person who posted the divorced or widowed meant "So it's not like your crush is married with kids and your life is fkd cos he's looking for an affair" Anyways, at the OP, I think you're being a bit melodramatic there. Your entire life is over because your crush (crush? Not even boyfriend?) has a son. uh, newsflash, single parents are on the rise. Had you been an optimistic person you would have taken the time to know the kid, the dad, and see how they interact to learn more about him as a person, and have fun along the way, not pout and sulk like a three year old and post it online whining for sympathy. I hope that dad stays far away from you as to save his son the heartbreak of getting attached to you and then being influenced by your toxic outlook on life.

Lattenkiste 0

You got something against kids? YDI. stfu and enjoy ur date and stop being a bitch

Your boyfriend should date the girlfriend of the FML-er whose girlfriend didn't tell him about her child for six months. At least your boy was upfront about it. Come on, he puts his kid first. Get over it, it was only a first date.

Nah, I think that was IHOP. :P (I was thinking the same thing. xD)

psh chuck e. cheese is fun...but just leave him...unless u wanna help take care of the som

if I was a chick I'd go out with someone who took me to chuck e cheese