One ring to…

By bchorror - 22/04/2020 02:00

Today, I went to take out my NuvaRing. To my surprise, I couldn’t find it. I’ve had unprotected sex almost every day this month. I don’t know when it fell out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 994
You deserved it 1 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

YDI. I had one, as a young teen. I was still responsible enough to check it every few days, especially before I had sex. You ALWAYS need to check.

My guess would be nine months before your baby is born.


Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

YDI. I had one, as a young teen. I was still responsible enough to check it every few days, especially before I had sex. You ALWAYS need to check.

My guess would be nine months before your baby is born.

You’ve always wanted to be a Mother. Right? No time like the present! :)

bobsanction 18

This is the problem with birth control. The people that need it most always manage to screw it up.

ojoRojo 27

In OP’s defense, the Nuva Ring is designed so that you *don’t* have to check it often, but it’s still good to check sometimes. I hope you’re not pregnant OP...and now you know to make sure you’re putting it in properly and to check it once in a while.

bloopaloop 27

You ma’am have a sloppy ******.

EmDizzle2007 28

you do know the ring doesn't protect against STD/I's, right?

Susan Yee 9

Well, hope u lost it right after your ovulation.