Age ain't nothing but a number

By Anonymous - 19/04/2020 08:00

Today, I was asked for ID to purchase decorative scissors. I was buying them to make my wedding decorations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 445
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Girl I feel you, one time I was carded when trying to buy Elmer’s glue. I’m a teacher.


Ambrily 27

I had the exact same reaction. Sometimes I really don't get people.

It is a good murder weapon. You have to get a background check to get a gun, the least you can do for decorative scissors is an ID.

ojoRojo 27

Girl I feel you, one time I was carded when trying to buy Elmer’s glue. I’m a teacher.

Is this an American thing that minors can't buy scissors?

Recently I was asked to show my ID to the cashier lady at the supermarket because I was buying alcohol. I am 30 years old, I have a big beard, and a baby. Initially I thanked her for the compliment but then I realized she was not

Antonia 3

I get you. I'm 18 and I was carded for buying a blouse. The cashier guy asked me if I could show him where my parents were. 😂 Apparently he was not joking 😂