Addicted to love

By Anonymous - 29/05/2020 20:00

Today, I was half paying attention to a text message conversation with someone about how addicted we both were to social media. It's wasn't until deep into the conversation that I realized we were actually talking about porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 958
You deserved it 1 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you've stopped looking for Lola Foxx BBC DP **** while on a group chat with your colleagues. One step at a time, huh?

MannyWasHere 12

Haha! Can’t deny your **** addiction now. Acceptance/admitting is the first step after all.


MannyWasHere 12

Haha! Can’t deny your **** addiction now. Acceptance/admitting is the first step after all.

At least you've stopped looking for Lola Foxx BBC DP **** while on a group chat with your colleagues. One step at a time, huh?

ojoRojo 27

How can you “half pay attention” to a text conversation? Why wouldn’t you read what you’re responding to?