A like is a like, dude

By Anonymous - 04/06/2017 12:00

Today, the girl I have a huge crush on only likes my Instagram posts if it's a post about food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 316
You deserved it 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Now all you got to do is to marinate yourself with food and you'll be irresistible to her. Win!


Lobby_Bee 17

Now all you got to do is to marinate yourself with food and you'll be irresistible to her. Win!

Justine Malang 16

Well that's a given! Take her out and cook for her!

Start posting lots of pictures of sausages to subliminally seduce her.

Show up at her house wearing nothing but whipped cream on your nipples and a corn tortilla wrapped around your raging boner.

Oludewa Arenyeka 4

Lol dude, tell her there's more to you than food! Lmao

Annesauce 5

Then learn to cook and offer to make her dinner

Annesauce 5

Then learn to cook and offer to make her dinner

tolkien897 15

I like food, too, so I understand. but it's just instagram, man.