You're nicked
By DrunkenValor - 06/09/2009 04:03 - United Kingdom
By DrunkenValor - 06/09/2009 04:03 - United Kingdom
By ronboy - 26/11/2012 23:11 - United States - Columbus
By justafriend - 28/05/2017 00:00
By AntSimo - 19/05/2009 07:46 - South Africa
By Anonymous - 13/04/2022 15:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/04/2016 08:25
By Sam - 03/12/2011 10:03 - United States
By itstillhurts - 21/12/2009 04:23 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 13/04/2024 21:00 - United States
By U... - 18/08/2023 22:00
By THOMASisMYname - 06/07/2011 17:06 - Canada
To all those that don't get it, it's basically saying our Police force is shit, and chavs jump at any chance to beat people up. Read #5 onwards for what a chav is.
(OMG I'm actually replying to the first comment-not just trying to be at the top!) Your comment is irrelevant. You are clearly trying to be cool. You are failing. (No, I'm not trying to be cool by pointing out that he is trying to be cool.) @OP: I'd have just waited until your friend was sober and have him tell the police what happened.
Well, I was eventually allowed to go when a few of my friends explained my friend had asbergus.
What the heck is a chav?
Because no other country stereotypes.. right?!
Uh? Stereotyping? Do you have to be so politically correct? A chav is what it is...nothing "stereotypical" about it.
Sounds like half the people on the internet.
The word "Chav" is derived from Council House And Violence, CHAV. They are always Scum, walk around wearing hoodies and trakkies (jogging bottoms in the USA I believe?) And they are generally the degenerates of life that are only going to cost the rest of us money through Tax's as they will never have a job and are obsessed with alcohol, swearing and having as many spawn with as many girls as possible.
Get off your ******* high horse. They showed chav-like behaviour, stereotype is justified.
How is trying to help his friend and getting beaten up considered as being a jerk #7??
It's really nothing like calling someone a ****** or a ******. 'realgirl' you have no idea, clearly. 'Faggots' and 'niggers' are persecuted for things they have no control over. This is wrong. Chavs, however, have made a lifestyle choice that undeniably makes them *****. Therefore the persecution is justified.
The way I had it described to me by my British cousins, is a Chav is like a white American (or Canadian) "gangsta". Not the guy who is in the gang, but the guy who wishes he was in the gang and thinks he's tough shit.
#7 (real girl your a dumbass
I'm afraid "chav" is not an acronym for "Council House And Violent". In fact, it's not an acronym for anything. It actually entered our language via the Romany words chav and chavi meaning "child" and charver meaning "prostitute". You can read more on this word (and more about it not being "Council House And Violent" or "Cheltenham Average (and neither does "ned" come from "non-educated delinquent") by clicking here.
Sorry - click here:
Chav is hardly a derogatory term #7, and if it was it certainly wouldn't be on par with 'F*g' and 'N*gger*. It's akin to calling someone a skater, emo, jock, whatever else people label themselves now.
so is a chav the equivalent of like a douche in america?
not really, there are douches in the UK too, but they're just what people have been describing them as. chavs are the type of people that go on the jeremy kyle show, which is kind of our equivalent of Maury or jerry springer's show. in northern ireland there are loads of names for them- mokes, spides, steeks, smicks etc. the girls are generally called millies. in southern ireland they call them 'knackers' :)
^win^. but Yerr n**ger and fa*got are bad but chav is justified:) MY SCHOOL IS FULL OF THEM
Perhaps those acronyms derived from the language of "I'm trying to explain it to someone who doesn't know what it is." Maybe the acronym remained in practice through popularity? Just because it came from one place doesn't mean it cannot evolve...
British term for a deadbeat youngster.
Hahah YDI you shoud never help drunk people when there are police around :P
This is weird.
oh for heavens sake, a chav is not stereotyping, a chav is a chav. live with it. OP: that really sucks, but didn't the police give the breath test to prove that you were drunk?
That's what I was thinking. Fake?
He probably was.
I was intoxicated, exceedingly so, but unlike some people my personality doens't radically change when drunk, I just tend to be more friendly. - Also, one armed scissors (Vodka and Redbull) kept me rather lively and aware.
In England CHAV stands for Council Housed And Violent. In Scotland they call them NEDs which means Non Educated Delinquent. We live in a crazy country.
I'm afraid "ned" is not an acronym for "non-educated delinquent". In fact, it's not an acronym for anything. It actually entered our language via a shortened version of Edward (and then Teddy Boys). You can read more on this word (and more about "chav" not being "Council House And Violent" or "Cheltenham Average by clicking here.
We have chavs and emos, a chav is a teenager that goes around wearing nike tracksuits, with a gold chain, hangs around in mcdonalds and mugs people while smoking underage. A female chav is always plastered in orange make-up on purpose and wear's tonnes of eyeliner.
we have more then Chavs and Emo's in the world we live in today people feel like they need to be part of a group to fit in. There are many more than just those two.
Emo = intelligent? Say what?!
I think a person can be intelligent, creative, and a little bit shy or lost without being emo. I consider myself to be all those things (-tries not to sound arrogant xD-), but I wouldn't call myself emo. And plenty of kids who consider themselves to be "emo" are really stupid. I don't bother with labels most of the time, though.
Australia is worse off, we have lads, which is basically chavs that do graffiti. Except their all *******.
I think people who beat others up are a far greater threat than graffiti painters.
... are you sure? I've never heard this
not were i live......, and a lad is just a colloquialism for young guy...
i've never heard of "lads" before....
They beat up people and do graffiti, not really beat up, but more like mugging. trust me, lads are much worse than chavs.
They sound the same to be honest. I was mugged a few months back for a pack of cigs, I don't even smoke!
Hmm, still not sure about it being a widespread term...
no a lad is usually of Greek of middle eastern decent who wear expensive sneakers hoodies and track pants and say stuff like "WHATZ UP BRAH" tl;dr version brainless up themself ****** rich kids
Seriously no, lads are not chavs, bogans are chavs.
chavs is the equivalent to wiggers
hahahaha, legend!
What the heck is a chav?
The word "Chav" is derived from Council House And Violence, CHAV. They are always Scum, walk around wearing hoodies and trakkies (jogging bottoms in the USA I believe?) And they are generally the degenerates of life that are only going to cost the rest of us money through Tax's as they will never have a job and are obsessed with alcohol, swearing and having as many spawn with as many girls as possible.