You never know

By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 11:43 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired for not asking a senior citizen for proof that he was over 21 and legally allowed to purchase alcohol. When I told my manager he was clearly over 21, he replied, "But what if he WASN'T?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 520
You deserved it 3 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy kids and their drama class. of course he was under make up to look over 60!


lol your boss is an idiot don't work for him

In the UK (or at least the part where I live) we have "challenge 25" where the cashier has to ask for ID if they think the customer looks under 25.

That really sucks OP, hope you pictured kicking his butt to let off stress after that.

my family owns a liquor store and they sold a pack of cigarettes to a girl who looked well over the age of 21 but she was actually only 18, in Alabama you have to be 19 to buy cigarettes, she was an ABC board agent and they got fined 2k even though she looked of age.

Depends on state laws and company rules. My case isn't exactly the same, because I give samples rather than selling it, but I still have to card EVERYONE. Our state law says you only have to do it if they're under 40, but company policy states otherwise and I would get fired if I didn't card a 92 year old person. It's something I get bitched at for every single day.

It's a way of complimenting and making the elder people feel equal to those of younger age. "Damn, you look youthful, I'm gonna need to see some identification."

In WA you are supposed to card everyone. My brother and I were carded at dinner (my kids with me) and they carded my parents who were also there. It's clear they are over 21 if they have grand babies, but it's policy. Better safe than sorry

It's the law to card regardless of if it's obvious. ydi

I'm in the UK I'm 26 years old and haven't been carded for a good 3 years we operate think 25/30 depending on the store but then we can legally buy alcohol at 18

But what if he wasn't OP? God damn it Benjamin Button.