Wrong end of the stick

By anonymous - 09/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, while teaching my kindergarten class, I had a feeling I was starting my period again. A boy in the class asked me what a period was. Stressing over my own, I briefly told him it's a woman's time of the month when they have mood swings. He was asking about the dot at the end of a sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 570
You deserved it 39 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol dang...can't wait till the call comes from the angry parent asking why her son told her she was on her period after getting scolded....


Oh god... i hate when that happens... My birthday was a couple weeks ago and my boyfriend was dropping hints as to what he was getting me. I had no idea, so I ran the clues past my sis and her husband... hubby says "it could be a pearl necklace"... I have really pervy coworkers. We have many many inappropriate conversations at work.... including one the night before about pearl necklaces... and so my mind headed to THAT pearl necklace.... and I started chastizing him... Um... he meant an ACTUAL pearl necklace.... Well... it wasn't a pearl necklace of either sort. My bday present was running shoes... LOL

22_fml 0

next time ask the kid what they mean

desperate_fml 0

i dont think it was necessary to tell us you thought it was going to be your time of the month. and did you tell your class? is that why you thought he was thinking that?

to all guys who complain about how women act on their period: you try bleeding out of your asshole while having someone kick you in the stomach constantly for a week and then see how you feel.

omgitsseejay 0

AHHAHAHAHHA (: lol. I'd do that. Probably xD

LITTLEc0516 0

52: Your my effing IDOL. Lol. You did go a BIT overboard with thinking about it. But those context clues! LMFAO

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

66: YOU'RE A ******* MORON. PMS is in our heads? You're probably a man.. and if you aren't, then you're probably 11 years old and can barely write their name.. Because all girls just create the excruciating cramps, awful back pain, psychotic mood swings, and killer headaches? Yeah, that's a perfectly normal thing to do.

Please, if your going to chew people out for citing a textbook and generally being a feminazi, at least chew out the right innocent people. It was 67 that was citing the class, not 66

this is why i hate words with two meanings