Wow, thanks, I'm cured

By Anonymous - 07/02/2021 13:01 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I vented to my friend about how unhappy I am and how I want to kill myself. What did she say? "Don't do that." That was it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 767
You deserved it 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhm. And what exactly were you trying to get her to say?

It's wonderful to have supporting friends, but your friends do NOT always know what to do, let alone how to react. I'd say that was fine, especially for someone who doesn't know the steps to take if you're in that depressed state. Make sure you PLEASE reach out to a suicide prevention hotline. Your feelings can be and usually are temporary or can be supported/recovered from; death is none of these. It's a serious issue where there is many outlets to receive help from; as the person above stated as well! Please seek help, you are very much worth it.


Uhm. And what exactly were you trying to get her to say?

Beaverfever 4

In this unprecedented times, there is more resources than ever to help you fight depression. Phone services, Zoom psychologists, ads in the subway, you name it. It's like every government agency and NGO is waiting for your call or your click. Call now!

It's wonderful to have supporting friends, but your friends do NOT always know what to do, let alone how to react. I'd say that was fine, especially for someone who doesn't know the steps to take if you're in that depressed state. Make sure you PLEASE reach out to a suicide prevention hotline. Your feelings can be and usually are temporary or can be supported/recovered from; death is none of these. It's a serious issue where there is many outlets to receive help from; as the person above stated as well! Please seek help, you are very much worth it.

(1) While friends and family can be a source of support, that does not mean they are qualified, able, and willing to be a psychologist. If you need help, seek professional help. If you cannot afford or do not have access to a licensed psychologist consider someone like a counselor at your school or sometimes companies have that service available (ask HR) or consider your religious leader (minister, priest, rabbi, etc) if you are a member of their congregation. (2) Nobody, at any time, ever likes being “vented on”. Don’t expect others to like being the object that you are venting on. There is a difference between seeking guidance and help verses “venting”. Venting is just being there while someone rants on. If you feel the need to “vent” try writing down your thoughts and feelings. This also helps you to organize what you are actually feeling and thinking which can help your own mental process.

Beaverfever 4

Very focused answer. thank you, thank you very much.

so...were you looking for attention? Should she have sent a fruit basket instead? she gave you what she had.

tad curious did you want support for or agianst the killing youself?

bound101 7

Whatever disrepair your life is in, don't let it be in vain. Serve a purpose.

Call the suicide hotline... 1-800-273-8255 Most people do not understand, just like your friend. It’s hard. It will be hard for a while, but with proper help you can achieve happiness again.