iPhone 8? So bougie.

By PoorAfMan - 03/10/2021 17:00

Today, my friend who doesn’t pay bills, still lives at her parent’s rent free, and hasn't finished her Associate’s is debating what color she should order her iPhone 13 in. Meanwhile, I have a Master’s, pay an astronomical amount in mortgage and bills, and still have the iPhone 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 011
You deserved it 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Warp1978 15

Does your phone work? Then it's fine. You don't need to bow to pressure and update your phone every year. Be happy with what you have


The moral of the story: Be nice to your parents.

qtdani892_ 7

iFeel sorry for you. iKnow you would like it because iCan say the products are great!

KristyRoseTakeMeHome 12

iSee. iPrefer Samsung myself.

Warp1978 15

Does your phone work? Then it's fine. You don't need to bow to pressure and update your phone every year. Be happy with what you have

LieutenantDimwit 5

Be happy for what you have :) I had the iPhone 4 when the iPhone X was out

There could be a reason why she hasn't finished her education and is living at home. Do you really know the whole story? Maybe her parents offered to buy the new phone for her. Anyway, it's definitely unfortunate that you work so hard and still can't afford the new one. At least your current phone still works.

And? why you hating on it? Go mind your own business

bluntaf 3

life isn't fair, it never will be. some days you're winning and others you're loosing. and as you get older life gets even more unfair, you'll be happier if you stop comparing. A few months from now,your sister might be struggling and you might be doing great... support eachother.

I'm sure she would trade her iPhone in for a house and a masters if she could.

Better to own a house than an overpriced phone each year 😊 yours will go up in value and hers will depreciate the moment the packaging is open