Why would you do that?

By dammitt - 10/10/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, my best friend and I went to the movies. There was a hot cashier, so I thought it would be cool to talk in a British accent to try and be sexy. I walked up and started talking when he interrupted me and said in a very heavy British accent, "I know you're faking. You can stop now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 007
You deserved it 60 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what's the point of faking? if you got a date, you'd have to keep it up 24/7.

deven7 0


noshitsherlock 0

Seriously stupid. MOST Americans sound obviously fake when trying. It's MUCH easier for an Englishman to sound American than it is for an American to sound English. Gawd...

nonynony 0

While I agree that most Americans sound terrible while doing a fake English accent, believe me, English people are JUST as bad when they try to do an American accent. It's horrible.

Russell Brand can be pretty good at imitating American accents.

some are good. some are bad. are you guys really have this discussion? not everyone is exactly the same.

HA! My husband did that once, before I knew him, to a lady and SHE was British, too. Turned out she was from the same city he said he was from. It was very embarrassing for him. Don't fake Brit, man.

You ******* idiot, talking in a British accent is not sexy, and don't flirt with people you don't know and probably have never even seen before. Shame on you.

rollanderca 0


cherlana32 0

Also, grievous misspelling of the word "******". Or do you actually sound like that when you speak?

z411811 0

OH SHIT Grammer AND Analogys. Everyone RUN!!!!!!

British people arent sexy there annoying as hell!

hornetchik 0

**** off, not as annoying as you ******* yanks. I'm from New Zealand so my opinion isn't biassed.

all of you fucken ass hole who have a stick up your ass and are saying shit about him being gay need o shut the **** up.

SP63_fml 0

Has no one else noticed that alot of FMLs start with.. "Today, I tried to be sexy/cool/funny/macho, and I failed at it. FML" Seriously, what the hell happened to "Be yourself"?

Why in the world would that be cool or sexy? Fake accents are always dumb.