By No Job - 01/10/2015 01:42 - United States - Prairieville

Today, I was supposed to start my new job. I had forgotten I had a doctor's appointment, so I called work early and told them I wouldn't be able to start until tomorrow. My boss then terminated my employment. I got fired before I even started. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 362
You deserved it 30 634

Same thing different taste

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AnOriginalName 19

Did it ever occur to you how it would look, canceling your first day at work?

If it wasn't too serious, you should of rescheduled the doctors appointment.


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It is never a good thing to call off a few hours before your shift unless an emergency or unforeseen circumstance. Especially a brand new job. I would expect my employees to know they appointments or to make other arrangements but make it to work.

Seriously, you deserve it. Lamest excuse to ditch first day ever.

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I'm sorry am I missing something here? Checking for STDs because you're recovering from cancer? #79

I think instead of the word "of" he meant "or" because otherwise it doesn't make sense...

ChopSuey444 20

If OP is in such a medical condition that they HAVE to visit a doctor regularly, they'd likely have informed their employer. I don't see someone "forgetting" that. Also, if it's not an insanely important appointment, they should have ditched and rescheduled. A doctor appointment is easier to get than a job.

Then OP wouldn't have forgotten about it

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duckie227 22

Someone just calling off for no of reason like that does not deserve something bigger and better. He got what he deserved for sure. You cannot rely on someone who calls off before day one and I HAVE fired people for the very same reason. They will be the ones to call off all the time.

If it wasn't too serious, you should of rescheduled the doctors appointment.

You took the words right out of my mouth #3!!! Unless you were on deaths doorstep or a family member had passed away, you should have rescheduled your Dr. appointment and started your new job!!! You completely deserve it!!!

33 if you're going to be a grammar Nazi, you should really make sure what you're correcting exists.

I stand corrected. I thought you were commenting on the comment above yours, not the original comment. Oops..

because I did not abbreviate it, it does not exist?

ulissey_fml 22

You should HAVE cancelled, please.... and it is not even my language

AnOriginalName 19

Did it ever occur to you how it would look, canceling your first day at work?

AnOriginalName 19

And how the hell does a doctor's appointment take all day? I figure an hour, two at most. You couldn't go into work, explain the situation to the boss, and see if you could take an hour off?

I wouldn't even ask for the time off. It's stupid to schedule a doctor's appointment on the first day of the job. If OP scheduled it before starting, they should have moved it.

shmoooopie 29

I'm wondering if maybe op is on some kind of medication they need a prescription for every month, that would atleast explain why they didn't cancel the appointment. It's still a ydi though. Op, if you had remembered sooner your doctor probably could have rescheduled your appointment a couple days sooner

Always reschedule a dr appoint. Never say you can't come in on a job that looks bad on you

DMA0712 22

Even though you may have had to pay a fee for rescheduling your appointment, at least you would've still had a job to make the money back.

Omg never call in your first day on a job or show up late. I would think thats common sense.

Having worked as a hiring manager/stare manager for a couple years, it pisses me off when people call in same day for something they knew about in advance. And then have it be your first day? Aw hell no.

Well put 6. You wait until they have to pay unemployment if they fire you, then start showing up late and calling in.

Who, in their right mind, would choose to reschedule their first work day rather than the appointment?

Your doctor can't fire you, silly. Get your priorities straight.

Who calls out on their first day of work?! They probably dodged a bullet!

Hmm... you have to see it from the employer's perspective. You skipped on the first day before even starting a job. Plus, you could have easily rescheduled the doc's appointment. YDI.