
By thethrowawayplace - 15/10/2021 17:00

Today, my friend was watching a black guy getting yelled at by the cops on TV. He then decided to yell, "Wow, ni***** really don't know how to behave!" When I didn't react, he yelled it over and over, until I slunk into my room. He knows I'm part black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 659
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf? Do yourself a favor and cut him out your life. while you're at it, don't be afraid to beat the racist daylights out of him. No need to deal with that type of oppression.

"Wow, moron really is that stupid!" That's what I would yell over and over, looking him right in the eye, until he slinks into his room.


Wtf? Do yourself a favor and cut him out your life. while you're at it, don't be afraid to beat the racist daylights out of him. No need to deal with that type of oppression.

I hope you mean EX-friend. You need to dox him to the Cancel Culture and say he triggered a micro-aggression and they'll drag him until he's canceled. (Not sure I'm using the lingo right.)

"Wow, moron really is that stupid!" That's what I would yell over and over, looking him right in the eye, until he slinks into his room.

With friends like that, who needs enemies..

I’m not even the tiniest bit black and I’m offended by this so I understand why you were. Why are you with this disrespectful douchebag.

I realise now you said friend not boyfriend but my point still stands. He’s a douchebag