By I did them anyway - 20/07/2015 22:01 - New Zealand

Today, my flatmate asked me to wash the large pile of dishes on the bench, and if I would start on cleaning the house which was a total mess. This would have been fine if I hadn't just walked in after being away for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 2 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

serslybro 20

Sounds like someone thinks you're a maid service... I would put it all in his bed. Lol

You did them anyway? Why? It's your roommates trash and your roommates problem. Make your roommate do it on their own, because it's their problem.


serslybro 20

Sounds like someone thinks you're a maid service... I would put it all in his bed. Lol

No sympathy from me. You're the one wearing the "I am a doormat" sign on your forehead. Quit letting your flatmate order you around. He or she is not your mother.

#29 if you're trying to get your comment on top, why do it on the second comment?

FalloutScrolls 25

I'd start charging your roommate if you're going to be a maid.

You did them anyway? Why? It's your roommates trash and your roommates problem. Make your roommate do it on their own, because it's their problem.

Oh for anyone else confused, the OP's name is "I did them anyway"

Normally I would agree with you, and I do still agree with you. It's not easy living with someone else, and it requires a lot of teamwork. If you get into fights or arguments, it can cause issues with rent and other things. The friend should've done most of the work and OP should've done a much lighter load. Again that is just to keep the peace.

leogachi 15

Just to keep the peace? Not letting yourself be a doormat doesn't necessarily mean a loss of peace, and if it does it's time to find a new roommate.

Hope you had a nice vacation because it sounds like you're back to living with a child.

iPixelCheese 19

Have a talk with him/her. If they can't respect you, you may need a new roomate

meli1195 31

You should have just said nope and walked into your room. Don't be someone's maid unless you're getting paid

You did them anyway? Stand up for yourself! The only reason he asked was probably because you're soft enough to not argue! Put him in his place next time and I doubt he will do it again!

The OP did not do them anyway. Are people reading the same FML as me?

Oh, for anyone else confused the OP's name is "I did them anyway".

Honestly I think you're the confused one.

What are you talking about, you keep commenting that the OP didn't do it but then commenting that the op's name is I 'did' them any way?

bryce0110 23

Sounds like someone who is either lazy or the type of person to mess up something and rely on another person to do it for them.

Sounds like the same type of person to me.