
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 044
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


xoGurlxo 0

I think he was trying to say that if he stays in school, he will be like you one day. That's a very good thing.

TryToBeKind 0

I love, love, love turning to my son after a retail-bitch tries to whine about his/her job and saying, "that's why you go to college". It's funny when they get all offended and claim they did. Obviously, it did them no good - why else would they be working there (psst - they're not as good as they like to think they are).

Jazzyb064 3

You're very mean. Retail is terrible. I was going to college while I worked in retail, and it was still terrible. I'm going to continue being stuck in retail because NEWSFLASH, nothing pays well anymore! Not even something as important as teaching, like I do. I teach kids like your son, who is probably as rude as you by now. Lucky him.

Dukedj 0

That guys a douche. 'Nuff said.

wow, what an asshole... paramedics save lives, why is he hatin' on you?! and 22, why be a d-bag if you dont have to? don't judge people...YOU are an asshole.

I like how OP says he has a bachelor's degree as though this is some great feat that necessarily equates success.

that guy has no idea what it takes to be a paramedic, clearly. he's not gettin' his butt saved.

Zerenade 0

He might have meant what #17 was saying. In that case, not an FML.

Either he meant you stay in school so you learn to work hard or he's actually a total douche. Don't worry about him. Your profession is greatly appreciated.

Not a paramedic but...I agree with high stress and long hours. bleh. yet i dropped out of nursing school to do it so i guess ha to me too i s'pose. i think the dad was saying to stay in school so he could be a life-saver like you.

Maybe he was saying that to his kid so he knew what he could become if he stayed in school? But he was being a douche. You're doing fine. Forget that asshole.