Two states of matter

By Anonymous - 15/09/2020 05:02 - Germany

Today, I learned that is it possible to be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time. You run to the toilet every half-hour, but almost nothing comes out and you feel so bloated you could burst, while eating almost nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 370
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hi My mum suffered like this due to having rectal cancer. Please go and get checked and insist upon a colonoscopy! Good luck, hope you aren’t dying

If you don't get constipation often then you need to increase your daily fiber intake. But if this is a common occurrence or has been going on for more than two weeks, then you need to go to a doctor and get checked out .This could be a sign of multiple different serious issues such as a rectal stricter ,IBS ,Crohn's disease, cancer etc.


kathgz 7

Is there something going around? Because I have had the same issue for about a week now! It's super frustrating!

coius 23

Ditto, my wife and I have been fighting for the chance to sit on the white throne. Along with fevers, chills, sweating, cramps, nausea/vomiting, muscle pain and in general feeling like we got a visit from the demons of hell, I think there is a GI virus going around. Before we had it, my dad had it, visited several days over the last week including not using a mask (and my immune system is fscked from being so sick it almost killed me in highschool), and neglected to mention he was having all this. My wife and I feel SO LUCKY we have family values of sharing things...*end sarcasm.*

Hi My mum suffered like this due to having rectal cancer. Please go and get checked and insist upon a colonoscopy! Good luck, hope you aren’t dying

When you are constipated your body starts loosing up the stool so it can push the blockage away, that why you have a flume ride in your butt. Your body is trying to wiggle your shit loose.

Mathalamus 24

If you don't get constipation often then you need to increase your daily fiber intake. But if this is a common occurrence or has been going on for more than two weeks, then you need to go to a doctor and get checked out .This could be a sign of multiple different serious issues such as a rectal stricter ,IBS ,Crohn's disease, cancer etc.

This could be a bowel obstruction and very serious, please have it checked out.