
By Anonymous - 21/02/2011 15:15 - United States

Today, I started my community service at the dog pound. I like animals so I thought it would be a good place to do it. As I arrived they were throwing dogs that had been euthanized into a dump truck to be taken to a landfill. That was my job for the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 340
You deserved it 5 973

Same thing different taste


Aw, you got community service as punishment and expected a nice cushy desk job? YDI.

Once again, they didn't necessarily have to do the community service as a punishment. Ever think of high school? Many high schools require community service hours for graduation... -.- Good lord, people.

I have never heard of a place that sends the euthanized animals to a landfill. Generally (at least in Canada) they are cremated in order to stop any spread of disease that would be possible from all of the rotting corpses at a landfill. At the very least, some places may send them to a rendering facility.

why would they do that to the poor dogs?? I would hate that so much

Because the shelters are over-crowded, and if they don't aren't able to take in new dogs, which often happens at "no-kill" shelters, many of those dogs will get abandoned. Shelter employees and volunteers love animals more than anyone, and would love nothing more than to see a day when their job isn't necessary.

Never too* late. Boners, you make this mistake almost every time you post. Maybe it's time to start learning...?

avatar0810 15

first thing you should have thought is that your volunteering at a POUND.

pandabeargirl89 0

I recently volunteered at a local animal shelter because I love animals too, they told me to put some trash in the back of a truck and there was a dead dog in the back of the truck!!!! I'm still scarred.

do they really just throw the animals in a dump truck..?

Xx_jESSii 3

This really makes me sick it's so sad to know that's what they do at those places, I used to live next to the Cleveland APL and on a certain day of the week there would be a weird smell in the air and that would always be the day that they would burn the animals but anyways when I was little I always said I wanted to work at a shelter or do something involving helping animals but once I knew what they were doing I changed my plans now I want to grow up and open up my own no kill animal shelter.

Many no-kill shelters, unfortunately, are so crowded that they have to turn away animals. It's wonderful that you want to open one, as we definitely need more, but the kill shelters aren't evil. When animals are turned away from no-kill shelters, they are taken to a kill-shelter or, worse, abandoned. Many well-intentioned people who start private rescues out of their homes become hoarders, because people keep bringing them animals and they can't bare to turn them away. :/