Adopt a different attitude

By Anonymous - 09/04/2022 22:00

Today, I have always been adamant on not wanting children ever, then I did a stupid thing, and now I’m now single and pregnant with twins at 22 years-old. My life is so fucking over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 1 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can always put them up for adoption. The last thing children need are parents who didn't want to be parents.

I mean, depending on how pregnant, it's not to late to change that.


I mean, depending on how pregnant, it's not to late to change that.

LOL downvoters. Would you rather she resolved the problem or having two starving unwanted kids in the world? We have enough of those.

tc201002 11

There’s always adoption. Abortion doesn’t always have to be an option

100% It depends on timing and the person. I don't think I could ever do adoption because physically I don't think I could go through a pregnancy (health issues and body horror issues).

True, but some don't want the knowledge that they have children out there that may contact them in the future to find out they weren't wanted.

Nikki 17

It doesn’t always have to be the solution, but abortion has to always be an option

Wadlaen 23

Five girls from my high school class became single moms during the years we turned 20 and 21 (the majority of them as a result of the intake of alcohol leading to rushed and not thought through decisions), and for all of them it has become a great blessing, and I'm sure that you'll be glad and love your children very much as soon as you get them in your arms. Don't think that your life is over, think of it as an unexpected and interesting turn. And I wish you the best of luck!

You can always put them up for adoption. The last thing children need are parents who didn't want to be parents.

deathnote 5

go to the clinic & get yourself sorted out. absolutely no need for tou to have to do this.

You might fall immediately in love with your twins and regret nothing. If not, someone somewhere will absolutely have their prayers answered if you consider adoption.

put them up for adoption. motherhood is not for everyone and that's ok. there are many loving homes that will take them that are able to handle them, and open adoptions allow you to keep track of them if you wanted

OfficialMrD 3

Well sex is how you get pregnant… so if youre going to have sex then dont be surprised when nature does its thing

Nhayaa2.0 17