By anonymous - 17/07/2014 02:46 - United States - Romulus

Today, while working as a barista, a customer yelled about her muffins and butter not being ready since she only had a "short time to eat". There were 7 tip giving customers ahead of her, but I rushed her order. She gave no tip and stayed for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 997
You deserved it 5 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad how rude some people can be even when you try and do something nice for them.


Some people are just self centered snobs.

Unfortunately the squeaky wheel get oiled.

AlwaysSin 3

ugh.. once when I was a barista (at a deli/espresso) I had a huge line of customers when 3 tourists came up at the end of the line saying they were in a hurry and needed their food and drinks fast. So I rushed their order ahead, made it to go, and brought it out to them. one of the guys look at me like I was stupid, told me it was for there, didn't tip, and they sat there and ate for over half an hour. (AND they didn't clean up after themselves) Bastards.

Your a barista...... You should appreciate tips not expect them

Really? That is your answer to douchy behaviour? Are you trying to find an excuse to act like that? What does it matter if the op was expecting it or not, her behaviour was still much worse.

How about we do what Japan did and start paying service industry employees an actual livable salary, or are we just too proud to admit that the service industry is run by human beings, too? Screw tips; it's been a breakable system since it was first implemented (or, at least, once people started realizing what "honor system" means).

be just always and let karma do the rest

Working in the food industry is just awful. We live in the world of now and not even bother with common courtesy.

I'm very sorry that you had a horrible customer, but people should be grateful for tips, not expect them!

draokc 9

So you normally provide service based on the tips? so much for them being optional.

Agreed; it's basically a "pay to play" system at that point. Here's what I don't get. Aren't tips supposed to complement the regular wage? With the tip system in place, employees get the raw end of the deal when their customers fail to leave anything, even if the service is warranted at least a moderate tip.

Simply hate people like this. She knew exactly what she was doing and likely does it often.

NEVER give special treatment to someone who isn't a regular. It's one of the basic rules when you work with food.