By Lockie - 28/04/2009 09:44 - Australia

Today, while at work in a subscription TV call center, a 71 year-old male customer went into explicit detail about the "adults only" programming that he enjoys, including all the kinky things he learns from said programming, and tries out on his 70 year-old wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 006
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone buy that man a beer!! Old people get horny too.

ZiggyMorrison 0

You should have tried to sell him more **** channels if thats in your job description anyway tell him theres one with old people on each other


Someone buy that man a beer!! Old people get horny too.

ZiggyMorrison 0

You should have tried to sell him more **** channels if thats in your job description anyway tell him theres one with old people on each other

Everybody needs some lovin, even old people!

lmao!! how do you respond to something like that lol?!!!

why **** HIS life? i wonder if u will still have sex with 71. id be proud too

Julle_fml 0

I hope that when I'm 70 someone will still wanna throw it to me and try new things. it does suck that you had to hear all about it.

At least he was not trying to come onto you or talking about using his left hand. Upside!