By Mitch - 08/11/2016 04:50

Today, while reading the newspaper, I noticed that an ad had been placed for my job. I asked my boss for a week off so that I could fly home for my father's funeral. No wonder she was so cool with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 159
You deserved it 756

Same thing different taste

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You have the outfit. You have the plot. Now all you need is a shovel and a little upper body strength. Problem solved.

You think she was simply "cool" with it because you haven't found her gloves, mask, and copy of How to Murder an Employee's Father and Get Away With It.


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**** your boss. Resign, get re-hired, tell your boss to go **** himself, then resign again.

You have the outfit. You have the plot. Now all you need is a shovel and a little upper body strength. Problem solved.

Maybe you ought to send your boss to go meet your dad.

Ask you boss about the posting. You have nothing to lose. Perhaps it's not your replacement but an additional worker.

You think she was simply "cool" with it because you haven't found her gloves, mask, and copy of How to Murder an Employee's Father and Get Away With It.

If you get fired for going to your father's funeral you can sue the company, because that is protected by FMLA.

First of all, FMLA has restrictions that OP must satisify in order to receive compensation for this leave. Secondly, FMLA requires the employer to pay the employee. That's not the same thing as requiring the employer to keep the employee.

FMLA protects your position, not your pay. Short/long term disability are choices to ensure partial pay while away from work.

oatfiend 6

It's surprising that they still use job ads in newspapers

Well they're behind enough to have not realised that it's common decency to tell someone that they are being fired. I'm only surprised that they understand how to write rather than simply drawing on a cave wall.

he still puts job offers in the newspaper time to move on this is 2016