By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 21:37 - United Kingdom

Today, while putting a drip in the back of an elderly patient's hand, he commented that he didn't realise doctors had pierced nipples, but not to worry because he's only in the hospital "for the b*tches". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 508
You deserved it 5 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Do doctors have pierced nipples? We'll only know if you are indeed a "doctor". You can't control what comes out of people's mouth but you can control them from being able to see your nipples. So.... YDI

That's not what this FML is about at all


metal8214 0

that's why so many people are dumbasses and hurt themselves

HamsteronA 0

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That's not what this FML is about at all

This doesn't sound like a grumpy man.

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folfg7 0

I almost look forward to the FML regarding "unconscious" groping that would result.

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emodude44 0

Strippers aren't as respected as Doctors and save a lot less lives.

dudeitsdanny 9
GuitarNukka520 5

awww I wanna be an old man like himmmmm

sourgirl101 28

Do doctors have pierced nipples? We'll only know if you are indeed a "doctor". You can't control what comes out of people's mouth but you can control them from being able to see your nipples. So.... YDI

chillinAK 9

Most definitely. I always wear SOMETHING under my scrub top to prevent a flash while leaning forward. I learned that lesson early on. YDI.

Sir, here's your catheter and while I'm down there would you like me to repetitiously shake my breasts back and forth? I thought so...