By Anonymous - 28/12/2016 05:58

Today, while out with my family, I happened to run into "the one who got away." She smilingly introduced herself to my wife, who definitely noticed that she and our daughter share the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 594
You deserved it 8 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, brünhilda? Yeah I picked that one straight out of the baby book, why do you ask? Complete coincidence...I promise.

I'll bet your wife can't stop puking! You gave your baby daughter the same name as someone you used to ... well, y'know? Ick!


WeirdUS 29

that's kind of creepy. Now if it was unintentional still weird but at least excusable but I'm guessing that's not the case so you deserve whatever awkwardness that results from that meeting.

Oh, brünhilda? Yeah I picked that one straight out of the baby book, why do you ask? Complete coincidence...I promise.

Why in the world did you name your daughter the same name as "the one who got away"? Especially since it's only going to remind you of her.

You named your daughter after 'the one that got away'? YDI, seriously that's ****** up

TanzWolf 26

I mean.. The wife could have named the baby with no idea what it meant to the husband, and she really loved the name, and the husband didn't want to tell her no. Y'all too quick to assume the worst.

If that were the case #19, it would've probably been brushed off as a coincidence and wouldn't be much of an FML. The OP wouldn't have emphasized that the wife "definitely noticed" that their daughter and the ex share the same name. This implies OP probably gave, or at least suggested, the name for their daughter.

Well, you see, love, it's a very common name. Oh, it's not? Well, I wanted a unique name for her... Guess it could have been a bit more unique...

That's an odd form of self-torture for the rest of your life, buddy.

Honestly, this too. I can't see a single reason why this man thought this was a good idea

I'll bet your wife can't stop puking! You gave your baby daughter the same name as someone you used to ... well, y'know? Ick!

Oh here's a great idea - name your daughter after the woman you loved and lost as a daily reminder that your wife is not her and the child that you have together is secretly your way of holding on in a totally ****** up way. YDI.

I've seen a few instances where a parent has named their child after an ex or "the one that got away," and it's just weird. Give your child it's own name and identity. Don't use them as a tool that acts as a constant reminder of someone you used to be with. Not to mention it's incredibly disrespectful to your wife. You did this without telling her where the name came from, making it seem like you're hiding something and still pining after your ex. It just comes off as creepy and kind of obsessive.

maybe he just really likes the name lol

There are so many way that this is creepy that I don't know where to begin.