By muffingirl - 10/02/2010 12:30 - United Kingdom

Today, while lying in bed, my boyfriend reached over and pinched my love handles and said "Where did this muffin top come from?". Then he sang "Do you know the muffin man?" to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 798
You deserved it 8 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He probably doesn't mean it to be mean, he's trying to be a funny in dumb/cute way.

I am almost positive that saying things like, "I'd rather date a girl who was a little fatter" as if it's a negative is exactly the sort of thing that makes girls wonder, "Wait, am I fat?" constantly.


tgime 0
ash92_fml 0

haha thats actually kind of sweet. like he didn't go "you're a fat bitch" he sounds cute hahahaa

why fyl? those times during the day when you're doing things that "add to the muffin batter", work out. go jogging. you're lucky he told you in such a playful way.

tomahawkinyouall 0

mmmm muffins! I'm hungry now. time to do some work on that muffin top!:D

Niki_luv 0

I'm sorry, but that is funny!

wethekings7 0

lol...hehehee! That totally made my day..that's great!

TrueRaiderFan22 0

only us guys would be funny enough to do or think of that

_Annonymous_ 0