By Noname - 18/03/2009 01:24 - United States

Today, while I was out to eat, I was approached by the restaurant manager. He told me that while he respected my personal choices, his patrons didn't feel comfortable with someone who used to be a man using the women's restroom. He thought I was a transsexual. I am a naturally-born female. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384 025
You deserved it 36 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why people would be uncomfortable seeing someone using the restroom, I mean the woman's washroom have stalls... unless you were standing while peeing... or doing perverted shit by peeking on someone then yea. I'm a female and I walk into the guy's if the girl's is locked. Seriously, transsexual or not, if you have to go you have to go. But then again a guy wouldn't be comfortable seeing a female in their washroom. I feel for you but I can't help but laugh at this situation.

Most transgendered people I know look *fantastic*, you'd be hard pressed to tell. That aside, what the manager did was also against the law (at least in the US). Transgendered people who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery are then LEGALLY the gender they transitioned to. In other words, if you are a transgendered person born a man who transitions to a woman and has surgery, you can have your birth certificate altered. You can also now legally marry a woman in any state in the United States, because you ARE a woman. And all THAT aside, I wouldn't care if someone was a transvestite, if you're dressed as a woman feel free to use the bathroom. Unless the person (ANY PERSON) is doing something other than appropriately using the facility...who cares. :P What a bigot that manager was!


mulmanic 0

YDI for not being conscious of your look. How fat, dumb and ugly are you that you don't know how to accentuate your femaleness?

maybe some of ur friends pulled a cruel joke on u and complained

sndrzy 0

Maybe a customer mistakenly thought u were using the restroom the wrong way when u were turned the other way say blowing your nose, or doing something else.

Sorry to sound harsh but how ugly do you have to be for people to think you're a man?

Its ok I was at a football game with one of my guy friends and when he turned to leave the concession stand they said thank you miss have a nice day to him

beeblebrox661 4

Just how ugly are you???!???!?