By buggermonster - 16/06/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, while I was at my girlfriend's parents' house for dinner, and I thought no one was looking, I picked my nose and put it underneath my chair. Turns out she has a little brother who found it appropriate to point at me and scream, "Booger monster, Booger monster!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 169
You deserved it 626

Top comments

blader0314 3

YDI. How would you feel if someone put their booger on your furniture?

planetclaire 0

that's disgusting man. you should work on that, mining for nose gold at the wrong time can turn ugly


Why would you do that at anyone's house, especially your girlfriend's?

J3553ROCKS 0

Thats gross... WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?

That's horrible. Yes, everyone picks their nose, but no one over the age of 4 who isn't mentally retarded does it at dinner, in another person's house, and tries to WIPE IT ON THEIR FURNITURE! If you were my boyfriend, I'd tell you in no uncertain terms we were over, and to get the **** out of my house. And to take your disgusting pickings with you.

You and her little brother must be the same age, seeing as you didn't have the common sense or manners to get a tissue from the bathroom or ask where you could find one. You need to have the shit beaten out of you not because you're an asshole (which you are; a very immature asshole) but because you handled an everyday occurrence in one of the worst ways possible- and tried to be discreet about it. It wasn't even your house. Here's hoping your g/f gets explosive diarrhea in your bed, then quietly leaves you there and sleeps somewhere else.

americayay 0

You're totally right. The kid was the one being inappropriate. Moron.

Woww, so you didn't excuse yourself to the bathroom or asked for a napkin but instead picked your nose at dinnertime, at your girlfriend's parent's house with her family, and stuck it on her parent's furniture. I'm kinda amazed. YDI.

I find it ironic that you're complaining that the little brother was inappropriate. Pot, meet kettle.


Wth!? That's disgusting! Your the inappropriate one idiot.

frankenberry333 0

dude........napkin, tissue. **** dude the chair. you were a guest in their house.