By buggermonster - 16/06/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, while I was at my girlfriend's parents' house for dinner, and I thought no one was looking, I picked my nose and put it underneath my chair. Turns out she has a little brother who found it appropriate to point at me and scream, "Booger monster, Booger monster!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 169
You deserved it 626

Top comments

blader0314 3

YDI. How would you feel if someone put their booger on your furniture?

planetclaire 0

that's disgusting man. you should work on that, mining for nose gold at the wrong time can turn ugly


ohh_wow 0

that's disgusting, ydi a million times over why would you do that anyway? how old are you? plus at your girlfriend's house, where you want to act mature and impressive? YDI.

you know theres this amazing invention called tissues....

YDI. You could have done it a little more creatively like on TV. fed it to their dog. :P That is if they had a dog..ok im off topic..but yeah..YDI.

HE found it appropriate to say something?! YOU were the one who found it 'appropriate' to pick your nose! What are you, 5?

cattoe7 0

don't pick your nose w/out a tissue nasty.. you should have excused yourself to the restroom