By revan546 - 26/04/2013 13:23 - United States - Hillsborough

Today, while he was eating chicken, one of my friends asked me why I'm a vegetarian. I responded that I believe in animal rights and don't like the conditions the animals are forced to live in. He looked at me incredulously before explaining that "chickens aren't animals, they're birds." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 506
You deserved it 9 546

revan546 tells us more.

revan546 24

Hi guys, OP here. Yeah I've been a vegetarian for a few years and my friend finally decided to call me out on it. I think i died a little inside when i heard it haha. He eventually did admit that he was wrong and we're still friends and whatnot. Common sense isn't so common nowadays though is it.

Top comments

This friends, is why us vegetarians have a bad reputation for acting like we're better than people.


"Chickens aren't animals, they're birds." I want to slap this guy, kick him in the shin and rip his eyes out of their sockets. Literally.

Listen here, every time you eat an animal you're relieving them from their pain on this earth.....

A better answer would have been why let the chicken have died in vain. It's already dead. Not eating them doesn't change anything. That just means its going to be wasted after it was killed for that sole reason. If it was ate, at least it didn't die for no reason.

But you're killing innocent plants, but thats perfectly fine though

Your friend is an idiot. Time for better friends.