By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 18:11 - United States - Portland

Today, while cleaning my son's room, I found an envelope labelled "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL" under his bed. I opened it, only to find it was a glitter bomb. I couldn't get it all cleaned off myself before he got home. He just said "HAH! Serves you right!" and went to his room smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 673
You deserved it 62 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's really hard to feel sorry for you here when you opened an envelope that wasn't yours. Especially one that said "private and confidential" as a last chance warning. Totally deserved it.

This is the biggest YDI i have seen in awhile


oreo00 14

how do I make a glitter bomb?

Probably by filling an envelope/box as full as possible with glitter?

Jazzalyn 10

Unless you had reason to believe your son was going to harm himself/someone else, partake in some kind of illegal activity...then I can't think of a single way that this isn't a YDI.

150493x 29

No sympathy for you there. A fitting ending to you invading his privacy.

You shouldn't go snooping around in someone's personal belongings. You have no right to do so

unwagedwriter 8

I'd get him back somehow. Glitter bomb his favorite snack or something. Be creative! ?

YDI I hope your sons traps only become more elaborate to the point of exploding blue ink when you open his personal package. Stop snooping or your kid won't trust you.

Your son is hella cool, and YDI for not respecting his privacy.

XBurytheCastleX 25

If that was my letter, it would have been more explosion-ey. You deserve this. What gave you the right to open the letter? You're not his owner, so his private things aren't yours to touch.

Boundaries were set And you crossed the line Your son was testing your trust in him and you could have earned that trust, .... But instead the opportunity to earn his trust blew up in your face I think you are even

Funny as hell, but, if your parents are still cleaning your room you have no right to privacy.

As stated above, she was probably using cleaning as a euphemism for snooping :P