By ashhatches - 27/06/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, while at Costco, I was eating a hotdog when I saw a really hot guy walking over. Trying to be sexy, I bit my hotdog cutely and winked. I ended up choking and dropping the ketchup covered hotdog all over my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 422
You deserved it 62 534

Same thing different taste


ILoveTabz 0

you are sooooo sexy! (obvious sarcasm)

SteelCladAngel 0

lol next time try with something you lick/suck a lollipop, Popsicle, Ice cream cone... not something you bite! lol I was hanging out with a friend once and I was hot so I got myself one of those rainbow sherbert push-pops it was like 98* out so I had to eat it fast and was licking/sucking it to keep it off my hands.... poor bastard couldn't keep his eyes on the road and I wasn't even /trying/ to distract him :(

How is biting a hotdog cutely even possible? YDI. There's nothing cute about hotdogs. Oh by the way, I know it's off-subject but what happened to DocBastard? I never see his comments anymore...

imnotcraZ 0

Is it possible to cutely eat a hotdog?

PlatinumNinja 0

Honestly. How can you even eat a hotdog cutely?

how do you eat a hotdog "cutely?" that's something i wanna know...

Personally, I hate hot dogs. Besides, how would you eat it cute?? Isn't that impossible??