By KarlwithaK - 19/05/2009 03:29 - United States

Today, we were visiting my great-grandma, who has Alzheimer’s. We spent most of the day with her and she didn't know who we all were. Time came for us to leave so when I gave her a hug good-bye, she whispered into my ear, "You're my type." FML
I agree, your life sucks 510
You deserved it 33

Top comments

Well at least you are, in fact, somebody's type after all.


ilovefmlife 0

haha that's cute. Don't take it to personally and since you put on this site I'm sure you didn't.

At least she didn't squeeze or slap your ass.

dk2008 3

Patients with Alzheimer's tend to be very sexual as that is the one part of their brains that still works.

marinesgirl9 0
DeadMansCrack 4

It's not her fault because she has Alzheimer's, but for you that must be extremely disturbing. I wouldn't be very comfortable around her anymore, your life is ******.