By frenchboyfriend - 14/11/2010 00:28 - Australia

Today, was my girlfriend's birthday. I planned it to perfection: we went shopping, bowling, had lunch in a nice Italian restaurant, watched a French comedy, walked by the river. She also got many presents. Tonight, I was exhausted but happy for her... until she told me her birthday is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 790
You deserved it 38 302

frenchboyfriend tells us more.

The next day (on her actual birthday), I wished her a happy birthday again and luckily I still had a present for her (I had planned on giving her the nicest present right before bed the previous night but when she told me her birthday was the next day, I kept it for her real birthday!). :-)

Top comments

If she expects everything to be done all over again, she's a bit greedy....that doesn't sound like it was a very cheap day you planned for her.


YDI for not getting the day right. But I must admit, early or not, that was a fantastic BDay you had planned for her :) I'm sure she doesn't care if it was the day before.

so you tell her that you're busy tomorrow and that's why you did all of that for her tonight. :) or make up any excuse as to why it was done the day before. she doesn't need to know you were a moron and forgot her actual birthday lol

So lie and say that you instead planned it for the day you did it since tomorrow is a workday. I have done things with my wife on a weekend day instead of the actual day for that reason. Same with the kids.

You get extra big bonus points!! Talk about punctuality! What's worse than getting a "Happy BELATED Birthday"? You done good. And what the heck, you had a great time!

Why did she tell you before you started wasting money?

i don't get how this is an fml. her day was good, so tomorrow she could just spend it with her family.

Did OP mix the day and date up? Could happen. Anyway, isn't it strange that she didn't tell OP earlier? He would have prepared a birthday cake for her during lunch or at least wished her happy birthday, right? Hope she had a blast and appreciated the gesture though, it's still very sweet and thoughtful.

You better top that tomorrow.. And correction.. You obviously didn't plan it to perfection, you had the damn date wrong!