By frenchboyfriend - 14/11/2010 00:28 - Australia

Today, was my girlfriend's birthday. I planned it to perfection: we went shopping, bowling, had lunch in a nice Italian restaurant, watched a French comedy, walked by the river. She also got many presents. Tonight, I was exhausted but happy for her... until she told me her birthday is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 790
You deserved it 38 302

frenchboyfriend tells us more.

The next day (on her actual birthday), I wished her a happy birthday again and luckily I still had a present for her (I had planned on giving her the nicest present right before bed the previous night but when she told me her birthday was the next day, I kept it for her real birthday!). :-)

Top comments

If she expects everything to be done all over again, she's a bit greedy....that doesn't sound like it was a very cheap day you planned for her.


so what if you celebrated it early she sounds spoiled lol

At least she didn't get pissed that you got her birthday wrong .

CashMusicNet 0

if she is not satisfied even after the PLEAENT DAY, hand her a coke and say "smile and enjoy." if THAT's time to get a woman.....NOT A GOLD DIGGER LOL.


should have said something like "I have work tommorow so I decided to take you out today"

doggone456 0

just tell her it was an early gift??

So, she gets her birthday treat a day early. Deal with.

ThePersonalDream 0

FML worthy? Not really. Just tell her you forgot, be honest, and tell her that you put a lot of effort into it regardless. She should accept that. If not, then maybe she isn't right for you. ;-)