Healthy living

By Notasleepingbeauty - 04/01/2022 20:01

Today, after a lifetime of yoga, pilates, and general fitness to stay thin and healthy, five years of chronic pain and weight gaining treatments have rapidly made it so my 68 year-old mother, who never exercised and eats like crap, has a better looking body then me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 909
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's her genes? Has she used plastic surgery? Or maybe the term 'looks' are subjective and you're being too harsh on yourself?

You were doing it wrong all along. Get a nice comfy couch, Netflix and some Popeye's and you're on your way to the body of your destiny.


Maybe it's her genes? Has she used plastic surgery? Or maybe the term 'looks' are subjective and you're being too harsh on yourself?

You were doing it wrong all along. Get a nice comfy couch, Netflix and some Popeye's and you're on your way to the body of your destiny.

Glitterbaby2613 20

when you get older it's easier for your body to lose weight hun, it's just life