By Anonymous - 19/01/2012 14:17 - Canada

Today, there was a big snow storm and I wanted to help shovel, so I put on 3 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of pants, 2 winter coats, 2 pairs of gloves, a hat and a scarf. Once outside, I was told to go back inside because the job was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 052
You deserved it 33 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm in Ontario too, and wow what a blizzard we are getting today, eh?!

It's the thought that counts anyways...:)


Dang! I wish Minnesota would get snow!

bbutterflyy 2

NO you don't!! Trust me you don't!!

in my city I have a warning for 3 inches tomorrow morning at three until that night. but that's nothing compared to our wopping 17 inched last Christmas! but it's ok I've done that too.

It is not the first time there has been a snow storm here, and I must say that this winter season has been pretty nice to us in comparison to other winters in the past. I recall the days when the amount of snow shoveled from the driveway was over 4 feet on my front law. Those days may come again, but like I said before, this winter has not been that bad yet and if it gets worse, I have no clue how you are going to be able to move around and shovel if you wear even more layers than what you just wore today.

Only ******* need all that clothing on to shovel some snow

Kristoffer 35

That's a win. You showed you wanted to help and didn't have to actually do any work!

pippa08 0

way to ruin your fun xp its ok there should be more snow later :)

at least it snows there. Here it's really really cold, but all that comes down is rain..

Theres something called a window. That same something would have been useful