By MsConfusedd - 27/10/2013 04:11 - United States

Today, the tickets I bought for my favorite band's concert arrived in the mail. The concert was last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 013
You deserved it 4 617

MsConfusedd tells us more.

Although these posts certainly aMuse me, there's No Doubt I'm still pissed. The Postal Service in These United States is so bad even Twenty One Pilots couldn't get the tickets to my Neighbourhood on time. The Maine point is that my Simple Plan to see my favorite band was ruined by the Hooligans working as mail men. That's Sum 41 dollars wasted. I Solemnly Swear that this was my All Time Low and next time there's a concert I'll print tickets to make sure I can have Fun.. My tickets will be printed by the time I blink-182 times. Even though it Hurts that I missed my concert, thank you guys for making me LMFAO, this is the best comment thread ever!

Top comments

Well I guess this wasn't A Day To Remember.

I would go in there and raise hell until I got a refund.


aliciaanomalyyxo 12

You could have gotten your tickets at the box office at the venue.. Hope you didn't miss the show for nothing

juarezj96 12

You would think they would time that better

chloem103 9

This FML made me feel legitimately stressed.

Did you not think to contact the seller when the tickets hadn't arrived, say a week before? I don't imagine you'll get a refund either; you have no proof that the tickets came late.

Which is why Obamacare is going to suck. Because the government has no incentive to get it right.

Uh OP don't you think you would have been smart enough to call and find out where your tickets were if the concert came and went? That's something you shoulda been on top of the moment you realized they didn't come on time.

kissmemidget 3

Ebay or craigslist ? if they were scalped you deserve it. A friend bought football tickets and they turned out to be from a game weeks earlier. He spent the week before boasting how little he paid, and telling the rest of us that we were fools for buying tickets officially.

Get a refund, that's the ticket company's fault for sending them late, if there's any chance of it being late they take the mailing option down and you can only choose will call or print at home, so either you're lying or you have a refund to collect