By Anonymous - 27/04/2015 14:49 - United States - Apopka

Today, the guy I broke up with for not putting any effort into the relationship asked if he could make it up to me by taking me out to lunch. He stood me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 026
You deserved it 7 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Charles900 16

Well, he proved once and for all why you broke up with him.

It doesn't appear to me that she was trying to restart anything. Only to eat lunch and maybe get some closure.

What exactly did you expect to happen...

Since he did not put any effort it means he does not want you.. you should see that coming.. just end everything and be with someone who deserves you

Goblin182 26

If you pick up a snake and it bites you, don't blame the snake. You knew it was a snake when you picked it up.

This reminds me of when I got asked out by this guy and when I showed up to meet him he never showed. Later he texted me with a bunch of insults and saying he was going out with his ex because she puts out lol. Funny thing is months later after I got with my boyfriend he started texting me again trying to get with me for some reason.

Wow, sorry that happened. On the bright side, at least now you definitely know you made the right choice.

I don't see how one lunch would've made up for what seems like quite a number of shortcomings, OP. But hey, to each his own, huh?

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

I was going to put a long and interesting reply here but I

I'm pretty sure that maybe they would've gone to lunch as friends because you know people can still be despite breaking up. I doubt OP was going to get back together with him and nothing in this post even signaled that. You are just really jumping to conclusions here when you're thinking that she was going to get back together with him.