By foreveralone - 09/06/2015 15:15 - Australia - Perth

Today, someone finally told me that they couldn't live without me and that they love me more than anything. It was a student in my year 1 class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 321
You deserved it 2 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tread lightly, my friend. Tread lightly.

nathanschmitz14 1

This reminds me of that movie Bad Teacher.


nathanschmitz14 1

This reminds me of that movie Bad Teacher.

Tread lightly, my friend. Tread lightly.

You never now whose life you will make a difference in!

pleasedie 22

I'd report that to the principle asap just in case so if she says you came on to her it'll be on file.

pleasedie 22
ShannonBitt 29

Your statement didn't sound humorous at all.

Are we supposed to find the humor in your username as well?

Year 1 means they are probably only about 5-7 years old, so they shouldn't come onto OP.

Based on everything I've seen on FML, I would tell their parents and/or principal before they try to convince people you went after them first. Here's hoping someone you want to hear those things from says them to you real soon!

immunetoinsanity 23

Hey, at least somebody loves you.

mds9986 24

Well if it's meant to be you should go for it.

This post is about a first grader, not a college freshman or something.

mds9986 24

.... .... I thought it was a college freshman. This makes sense now.

How cute :) You sound a very friendly teacher

Pretty stupid question but my year 1 does she mean grade 1 class?

Yeah. A year 1 class is like 1st grade in America.

Year 1 is 6-7 year olds in Western Australia, and I think he deserves it, but the good type of deserve