By QueenCortana Tiffany Turner - 04/07/2019 02:00

Today, my toddler shat on her carpet again. She also decided to play in it. This is the third time in a month. She's fully potty trained, and thinks it’s funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 593
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you yell/give her attention when she does it? Apparently I did something similar as an infant (with the walls near my crib), and kept doing it every time my mom yelled while she cleaned up. One time she came in, cleaned me and it up, didn't say a word, and I never did it again. Could be she's just thriving on the attention or testing her boundaries with you.


Do you yell/give her attention when she does it? Apparently I did something similar as an infant (with the walls near my crib), and kept doing it every time my mom yelled while she cleaned up. One time she came in, cleaned me and it up, didn't say a word, and I never did it again. Could be she's just thriving on the attention or testing her boundaries with you.

She just gets put right in the shower and cleaned up I don’t laugh or yell I’m usually too busy trying to get poop out of the carpet

It IS funny. She seems to have a shitty sense of humor.

Maybe your toddler is right. Maybe it is funny. Tell you what - you just join the fun - then report back. I would do it myself but I don't have access to neither toddler nor carpet.