By Anonymous - 06/03/2016 18:49 - United States - Atwater

Today, my slacker co-worker accused me of stealing because I got more hours than him. I was called into the manager's office and interrogated. They believed him, and sent me home for the day. I guess it pays off being the boss's kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 102
You deserved it 1 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The shittiest player on my old softball team got MVP over me just because she was the coach's daughter. I think you should just keep proving yourself to be better than him as a worker, and soon get promoted out of having to work with him.

Schmavid64 13

Unfortunately yes OP it really does pay to be the bosses son. Nepotism really is hard to overlook and he probably doesn't want to believe his son would be a slacker. Hopefully you're a good enough worker for your boss not to punish you.


Oh I hate when the favourites get away with anything. I can only imagine what it'd be like with then being related. It's not fair at all. Unfortunately everywhere, every one plays favourites with their staff.

I hate it when stuff like that happens OP! Is there anyone you can go to to sort this out?

Schmavid64 13

Unfortunately yes OP it really does pay to be the bosses son. Nepotism really is hard to overlook and he probably doesn't want to believe his son would be a slacker. Hopefully you're a good enough worker for your boss not to punish you.

Hopefully OP is a good enough worker that they can get a job somewhere else. Personally, I wouldn't want to work at a place where you have that kind of co-workers and the boss thinks you're a theif.

aliciousness116 16

Jealousy can be a sharp tool. Hate it when even in schools, a teacher or principal's child gets an upper hand when they don't deserve it.

The shittiest player on my old softball team got MVP over me just because she was the coach's daughter. I think you should just keep proving yourself to be better than him as a worker, and soon get promoted out of having to work with him.

Just use this job as a means to an end OP! Just use it as a means of making a living, until you find another, better job..

Your boss will know in time he ****** up when his son stays the same lazy shit, while you have the opportunity to get higher.

The president of a company I worked for had a son who returned from a year-long vacation/graduation present. After wandering around the office dabbling in a little of everything (except the duties he was assigned, those were handled by the person who was doing it before he came back) for a couple of months. Apparently he decided he liked my duties (as graphic designer) more than his, and I was laid off that week. Happily, my boss moved to another company a few weeks later, and I was re-hired at twice my previous salary. My former employer's catalogs, flyers, etc. were all my old templates, and didn't change; they had to outsource packaging design due to the fact that their "designer" didn't know how to do that. Try to move within your company, and burn as few bridges as you can.

If they really thought you're were stealing they would have fired you, not just sent you home. So there's that.

countryb_cth 38

They can't really fire OP without proof, because then it would be wrongful termination.

Goblin182 26