By cricketsins - 14/05/2015 05:11 - United States

Today, my sister told me she found my escaped tarantula and put it in a box on my bed. I never had a tarantula, and the box was empty when I checked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 568
You deserved it 2 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this was a prank, your sister is an evil, evil genius.

Prank? I'm sure if she is your sister she would know if you had a pet one or not


finalyearsofhate 22

No! That's a terrible idea....set your neighborhood on fire, just to be safe.

That's a worse idea! Set your whole town on fire!

psychopolarbear 28

Set the world on fire. Right now. Get all those eight legged little bastards at once.

Or you could just come to your senses and realize that your sister's probably playing a joke on you.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Just picking up the box, and carefully burn your house down. 100% effective

Now I have a great prank to pull on someone

If this was a prank, your sister is an evil, evil genius.

Refer to my profile picture for the answer to your question

Prank? I'm sure if she is your sister she would know if you had a pet one or not

Ohh better find that thing or you may have an interesting surprise when you wake up..

"Wait, you mean my missing snake, right? Last I saw him, he was headed towards your room..."

I always give your comments thumbs ups before I see who it is and then I'm like 'Oh shit, it's MrConcise.' Basically stop being awesome pls. Kthx.

#50 - Love you too, bae. Call me later.

Spiders are scary *****. I recommend a good dose of oil and a match on your house

I don't think you'll be getting much sleep. I know I sure wouldn't be. And pretty brave of her to pick a spider up big enough to be a pet tarantula.