By pianonerd - 15/09/2009 06:16 - Canada

Today, my piano teacher told me that she "forgot" to inform me that she volunteered me to play a 5 page song in a recital in front of 300 people that's happening next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 938
You deserved it 3 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should get a few lessons from her without paying and then "forget" that you fired her.

Yeah, that's gonna be hard to pull of. But if you work hard and don't screw off, you could probably do it.


Well if she did volunteer you you must be at a level high enough to sight read pretty well, so I think you'll be fine.

Reminds me of my 4-H leader. "Hey by the way, I signed you up for 4-H." "... what." "Also you're the Treasurer. You can't quit now!" **** and a half.

neptuneflytrap 0

That's when you ask for the date and immediately say, "Oh no! That's the day I have jury duty/to leave the state for a funeral/some other important commitment. If only you had asked me sooner!"

You're not in the military. It's not your place of employment. Don't go to it, it's not your responsibility. Tell the teacher to go **** themselves.

precious606893 0

that sucks my 5 pages is nothing.

FYL for not knowing it's not called a "song."

What music school do you go to? Because I live in B.C., Canada too and I had a recital recently!