Pure evil

By PiaNO - 10/11/2009 21:41 - United Kingdom

Today, I was teaching a ten year old how to play piano. Halfway through the lesson, she made a minor mistake, which, trying to be a good tutor, I corrected her. She smiled up at me, paused, then slammed the key cover down onto my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 350
You deserved it 3 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ten years old is plenty old enough to know that such an action would hurt someone's fingers. At this age, it's just scary and psychopathic behavior. If I were in your shoes, I would release this "client" from further lessons.

nonynony 0

What a brat! I used to teach lessons. Tell her parent to either discipline their ******* kid or forget coming back. Their choice. If they've let their kid get to age 10 with this kind of behavior, they should be ashamed. God I hate parents these days.


I condemn you for not saying "FIRSTTTT!!!" Thank you.

do you mean "commend" ? they are kind of... opposites...

Sun_Kissed18 25

Nope, condemn is right! :) mkpj we banish you because you didn't say first!! >:O

Dude, when I was ten and learning piano the tutor often sat on the bench next to me and would help me correct things by playing them so that I could see and hear what was wrong. How is touching the piano when you're a PIANO INSTRUCTOR a faux pas?

wtfwts - the kid was TEN YEARS OLD, not some accomplished pianist who knows what they are doing. It's common for a piano teacher to put their hands on the keyboard to demonstrate how to do something.

Ten years old is plenty old enough to know that such an action would hurt someone's fingers. At this age, it's just scary and psychopathic behavior. If I were in your shoes, I would release this "client" from further lessons.

Shereen15 0

Haha i bet her name is Esther. You better watch out...

I thought the same. That kid is a psycho.

Agreed. My off-the-cuff response? Bitchslap that kid and drop her as a client. I mean, how the hell does a kid end up being that much of an ass? It's especially bad considering those hands that just got slammed are the OP's tools of livelihood.

nonynony 0

What a brat! I used to teach lessons. Tell her parent to either discipline their ******* kid or forget coming back. Their choice. If they've let their kid get to age 10 with this kind of behavior, they should be ashamed. God I hate parents these days.

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I agree. Parents do a shitty job these days. It makes me wonder if they're afraid of the kid, or if they're just too ******* lazy to do anything to teach the kid right from wrong. A ten year old should have enough common sense to know that they shouldn't do things like that. After all, a teacher is there to help you correct your mistakes, not pick on you.

I agree with both of you, #5 and #15. I think it's a combination of the laziness of parents, selfishness of the parents ("Oh, I worked all day today, I'm in no mood to yell at my kid for beating the crap out his schoolmates!"), fear of their kids (although with a kid like this, if she does this to a stranger I wonder what she does to her parents), and parents wanting to be a friend first. Teach your kids manners and how behave like normal human beings. You can be friends with your kids, but you can't let that get in the way of raising them properly.

GR3453m0nk3y 4

ithinkyouneedtocrawlinaholeanddiebecauseyoutypelikethis ^ that ^ says ^ "i think you need to crawl in a hole and die because you type like this" (for those of you who either cant read it, or don't want to try to read it)

Dcvictorious 0

Looks like she knows best OP, so next time you know how to correct her mistakes on her own terms :)

If I'm the teacher, next time I'd correct her mistake by slamming the cover on her fingers.

OHdamn 0: Bitch student xD Well, I know two wrongs don't make a right, but in this case you could make an exception~ ;D ...This kind of reminds me of the movie Orphan for some reason... yet.. this has nothing to do with that >_>;

badluckalex 23

bipolar facial expressions lol

I hope you charge her parents and threaten to sue!! what a little bitch!

Caayouteepie 0

maybe she was pmsing... but then again she is ten so i dont know. nah shes probably just a bitch:].