By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 07:18 - United States

Today, my piano teacher complimented my song, calling it great. I was proud and thanked him, then realized he was being sarcastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 704
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sarcastically said, "and you are just an awesome piano teacher!"

Everyone's a critic, honey. That's what happens in the artist world.


septembers_over_fml 3

pretend you were being sarcastic back.

Atchoo 8

Find a new teacher. Now. No matter how well a student plays, abuse is no way to make them better.

perdix 29

Did he call your song "great" or "grating?"

when I first read this FML my first thought was 'omg,,its Sheldon! '

tehdarkness 21

Practice means perfect...eventually it will not be sarcasm..,

Say a sarcastic comment back such as, "and you're a great music teacher!"

Auch, that's just being rude! He's suppose to be the professional!