By galladore - 12/12/2014 15:17 - United States - Bensenville

Today, my oldest friend got engaged to her loving boyfriend of one year. Meanwhile, I can't even get my boyfriend of more than four years to commit to a decision of what he wants for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 493
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you comparing the two? You obviously love your boyfriend, so what if he can't choose dinner. It's just dinner.


You shouldn't rush if he doesn't feel that he's ready. As long as your happy and you're treating each other as you both should, what's the big deal? Just because it hasn't happened before your friend got to tie the knot doesn't mean it won't happen at all. Just chill out.

Try asking him where he sees himself in 5-10 years. He might surprise you with his answer or he just makes you realise that he's not for keeps, but I really hope that it will be a positive answer. Good luck!

Marriage is not for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that.

graphicstyle7 17

Four years, this is when it starts to get... tricky. I work with a man who knew his wife for Seven Years before he popped the question. They have been happily married now for 15 years, have a son. I have a female friend who dated/lived with a guy for seven years. They got married, and then divorced in the space of six months. I guess all I can say is, go with your gut.

4 years is a long time. Talk to him about what you want/need in a relationship. I know it's hard, but if your want/needs aren't the same as his, then it's time to move on.

Girl...that lump of coal is never going to turn into a diamond...

Dump him and move on to better things! Stop wasting your time and find someone willing to commit or shut up and be miserable

Run away. That's where I am after 6 years and I should have ran sooner bc Im running now and it's really tough.